January 31, 2008

Primitive Birth

I have had 2 different experiences lately with primitive birth lately. I have been reading a book entitled "Childbirth Wisdom" by Judith Goldsmith. It basically takes a look at what birth is like amoung primitive/non-westernized tribes. It is really amazing how different the birth experience is compared to what I am used to seeing. The births are usually short and fairly easy, the family (at least the women of the family) are around helping, and there is no need of a Drs help. We women short change ourselves sometimes. We do not think that we, our baby, and our body is able to handle the birth of a child. Birth can be so amazing, so beautiful, and so enjoyable (yes). While I admit there was plenty of discomfort during my labors, my homebirths were a very enjoyable experience. I was comfortable at home, no rules were set, there were people around me who cared for me and took care of me. I think we could learn so much if we just trusted ourselves more!

I also attended my first homebirth a couple of days ago. It was a friend who invited me to her birth. It was truly childbirth the way it was meant to be. I got called at midnight and the midwife, assisstant, and I all got there close to the same time. So she had us and her husband taking care of her. What makes this birth a little primitive is that the power was out due to a storm that had come through. No hot water, no lights, etc. Of course, thankfully we had some modern conveniences- cell phones, flashlights, laptop. It is amazing how you can improvise and still handle a birth very well. The midwife was the same one who delivered Lily so I knew we were in safe and capable hands. The mom labored very well and before I knew it she was ready to push. The baby came out so quickly even though she wasn't in the best position and, then, she was in her mother's arms. I loved being there and having the companionship of those women and seeing the birth of a new child. I am always so honored to be able to be part of a woman's birth!

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