December 25, 2008

Hands Full

I haven't been posting much lately. I literally have my hands full most the time. Eliza loves to be held and usually wakes up if I put her down to sleep. I am trying to train her though. Sometimes over the space of 2-3 hours, I will put her down several different times until she sleeps for a while. If I can get just one break, I can get a lot done. I actually bought pacifiers the other day. I don't really like them because they are a habit that you have to break, but I need the rest from Eliza sometimes. She has taken to them okay and it is working for me so far. I have also been staying at home more lately. It is just too much of a hassle to get out if i don't have to. I did take the girls to the Creative Discovery Museum last week. I also got all my holiday shopping done, but I don't get much. Today, we are lazing around. We've watched a movie, watched TV, made lunch, had showers, and now me and the girls are making cookies.
Later we will go to Jeremy's moms' and then drive around and look at holiday lights. Tomorrow, we will be leaving to go to Smyrna and then Columbia for the weekend. Nobody out of town has seen Eliza yet, so we get to show her off. She has gotten those newborn "pimples" really bad on her face. They look bad, but I know they will go away soon. I just wished they cleared up before we go see family so they can see how truly beautiful she is.

December 19, 2008

Check Up

Yesterday, I went to see Debi for my postpartum checkup. Everything is healing fine for me. Eliza is growing well too. She weighed in at about 11lbs and 23 in. That's a gain of 2.5lbs and 1 in. in a month. I'm now calling her my chunck-a-munk. I could tell she has grown, but had no clue that much. She is now in 3-6 month size clothes and size 2 diapers. Why do they have to grow so quickly??

December 15, 2008

Bad Mother

I feel like such a bad mother lately. It has a little to do with not taking care of Lily and miriam well since I have to hold Eliza most of the time. Mainly this feeling came after I took the girls to the dentist last week. This was just Lily's 2nd cleaning. Miriam went first and they found 3 cavities. She has several fillings and caps already, but has had no cavities the past couple of cleanings. Then it's lily's turn. I thought she would have better teeth than Miriam since her mouth is different. I was wrong and they found 5 cavities. This is probably mainly my fault. While I constantly remind the girls to brush, I am not good and following up and making sure they do. So therefore, they do not brush like they should. I feel so bad, because I don't want them to go through what it takes to fill a cavity. Especially Lily since they have to sedate her. I am worried about how she'll handle it. I feel like I'm the only mother who let's her kids get cavities. It is partially genetic though. I had cavities as a kid and all my back teeth have fillings. I was really down about this last week and will be when it is close to the day to fix their teeth.

December 08, 2008

More Pictures

A few pictures of the girls over last few weeks.

All I want for Christmas is.........

Eliza in her Thansgiving outfit.

My Girls

Eliza today. I can tell she has already grown!

Lily's Birthday

I just wanted to post of pics of her 3rd birthday. We have not had a party yet, but I did make a cake and we celebrated. She wanted a Halloween party and a Little Mermaid party. We did Halloween at home and will do Little Mermaid for her big party. I got a lot of stuff 50-75% off for her party. Here are a few pics.

December 05, 2008

Yank It!

Just an update on my tooth. The same day I posted about it, I ended up at the dentist. It was constantly hurting and was worse when I ate so I called and they fit me in that day. I love my dentist. I still hate going, but I got the perfect dentist for me. He is always very understanding and gentle. He has a great staff to who are always nice to me. He said the nerve was dying and I had 2 choices- root canal or pull it. I decided to go ahead and pull it and he numbed me up. once I was numb it took like 2 minutes to get it done. I was there in total a little over an hour. I was glad he got it done quickly since I left the baby with my mom. This dentist office is always very quick and I've never had a wait. And they are always willing to fit you in. If anyone needs a good dentist I recommend Dr. McPherson on Germantown Rd.

December 02, 2008


I have a tooth in the back that had a cavity a couple of years ago which I got fixed. The cavity was very deep though and that tooth has been sensitive since then. It has not really bothered me though because I just won't chew cold things on that side. Well, since Eliza's birth, that tooth has been bothering me. At first it was very mild. Then on Saturday, the whole right side of my face was hurting as well as about 5 teeth in front of the bad one. I couldn't even touch them with my tongue. On Saturday and Sunday both, this pain would just come and go for no reason. it wouldn't hurt when I was eating. Then on Monday and today, it has changed to just an ache in that particular tooth. I don't know what happened to cause it to hurt all the sudden. I know I need to go to the dentist, but I don't know what I want to do about the tooth. He has mentioned a root canal to me before, but I really don't want to do that. I am considering just having it pulled. Getting rid of the tooth and the pain. I've just never had either one done and I am just not sure what is best. Plus both are kinda scary to me. I've heard stories of having to get a root canal redone and the pain not going away. Also, how will it feel to be missing a tooth. I'll probably wait until I am in excruciating pain one day to go in instead of taking care of it now. I have plenty of excuses to do that. So root canal or get it pulled???