August 28, 2008

Today has been a good day and I was busy all day. We homeschooled then went to a PAFT (Parents are First Teachers) group meeting. We got to ride the train at the Tennessee Valley Railroad for free. This was the first time that Lily has ever been on a train. Both girls had a lot of fun. Then we went to look at a house I was interested in. i really love it and I would make an offer on it. we just have to see if everyone else will agree. I plan to take everyone back over to look soon. I also reduced the price on our house so hopefully it will sell soon. After that we went by Target to get a few things. I had to buy Lily another nightgown so we could avoid any more bedtime melt downs. She has one gown she wants to wear every night. She will not wear any of her other pajamas. So now we have 2- one to wear while the other washes. Finally we went by the church so I could get all my stuff ready for bible class on Sunday (I teach the preschool class). Some friends were there cleaning and organizing so we got to chat and play while we worked. Now I'm finally home making a quick dinner and I still have to go get groceries tonight. I normally do my grocery shopping on Thurs morning, but was unable today. I think Miriam will go with me and we will have some girl time.

August 26, 2008

First Grade

Today is our 20th day of homeschooling this year. So far everything has been going pretty well. Miriam is certainly capable of doing everything easily so far and it has mostly been review anyway. I'm questioning my choice to use more workbooks this year. She has always seemed to like workbooks, but I can also see that some days she is bored with them. I have decided to do a project every few weeks that will get us out of the books and more into hands on things. She is reading really well which is a relief. I was worried she might have a hard time since we didn't practice enough this summer and we are using the Abeka readers this year. When she is concentrating, she will fly through a story. When she really doesn't want to read, it can take forever. I can always tell when she is bored or doesn't want to do the work, because she becomes a contortionist. Miriam can get into so many positions and move around so much, it drives me crazy. It doesn't matter if we are at the table, the couch, or in bed. She also likes to stand beside her chair a lot. I just don't know why she won't be still. In school she would be expected to sit at her desk, so I expect the same at home. I'm trying to think of some way to tie her down!
One thing that I really love about homeschooling is that it is easy to see where they need more help or review. We were doing a calendar yesterday and she couldn't tell me the months of the year. While we did this in Kindergarten, it is just something she has forgotten. So that is easily remedied and I am going to start going over the calendar every day and we will review the months of the year until she knows them again. It is great to be able to adjust your lesson plan to fit in something that is needed. This year is going good so far- only 160 more days to go!

August 19, 2008

Sweet Dreams

This is something that I just had to post about. I think Lily only dreams about candy and sweets. There are certainly worse things to dream about, but it gives new meaning to "sweet dreams". This morning and yesterday morning, she tossed and turned a little and was whining that "She did want some ice cream". Someone in her dream either wouldn't share or ate it all before she got some. She has done this in the recent past also with gummy bears and chocolate. I have to hold her close and comfort her until she goes back to deep sleep. After we get up I will ask her who wouldn't give her the ice cream and she doesn't know what I'm talking about. She has let me know that she wants me to buy some ice cream at the grocery store this week. I think I am taking the girls to $1 scoop night at Baskin Robbins today. I have to get that poor baby some ice cream!

August 18, 2008

Pregnancy Brain

I've got it! Yesterday I told someone at worship I would come by their house after we ate lunch. After we ate, I just wanted to go home and forgot all about going by. I in fact did not remember until I saw them again that night. I felt guilty for not showing up, but also shocked that I forgot. I am normally not forgetful. I have done this more often lately. I am also starting to feel lazier. Not that I still don't get things done, but I don't want to. I am not staying on top of things quite like I should, but they are not horrible either. I am getting tired by mid afternoon. I guess I must really be pregnant! Now that I'm in my last trimester I am starting to feel it. I still am not getting prepared and probably won't until October.
I am actually already getting prepared for our trip to Disney world next year and that is 6 months away. I guess to me, there is much more planning involved in our vacation than in having this baby. I have been saving my money and now am already deciding what rides to ride and where to eat. I guess I want this vacation to go really well since this is the biggest (longest, most expensive) vacation we've been on and we won't get to go back soon. I'm really ready to go now!

August 15, 2008

I'm a Big Kid Now

Lily is potty trained. We have worked on it for over a week now and although she has had a few accidents here and there, she is in underwear only. She even sleeps in underwear with no accidents. We celebrated last night with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. The girls had a blast. Jeremy and I even had some fun too. My little one has really grown up. I'm glad I'm having a baby soon, because Lily is definitely not my baby anymore. She will tell you that if you ask her too. You can't even call her baby doll. So here is a picture of Lily in her underwear. I also have a picture of Lily holding the first ripe tomato from what my dad planted. It grew on one of her plants (each child chose some plants to call their own). We ate it Wed. with lunch. She also has the second ripe one.

August 13, 2008

Belly Pic

For those who haven't seen me in a while. Please don't point out that my butt sticks out as much as my belly!

August 12, 2008

Country Girls

This weekend my parents and all of us went to Columbia to visit our family. They stayed with my mom's mom and we stayed with my dad's parents on their farm. My dad was raised on a pretty big farm- had to feed and milk the cows before school and everything. We didn't have access to internet and it is just so peaceful to be out int he country. the girls would wake up early and eat breakfast real quick (which my grandmother cooked for us). Then they would have to get dressed and go help my peepaw feed the cows or something. We sat out on the porch and watch the hummingbirds fight over the feeders. They were able to go outside without me worrying if they were okay. They also explored the farm some on Sunday when my cousin was out there. These girls could really be country girls! I could get used to it to if there was somewhere around here that was "country", but didn't take 45 minutes to get into town.
We got to see my brother too, which we don't get to do often. My girls, especially Lily, really love Uncle Adam. We really enjoyed seeing everyone since it has been about 3 months since we've been up there. Mom and I stopped by a friend of our's baby shower in Nashville on the way home. It was nice to see them again too. We had a very tiring weekend and I still feel behind. I'm glad we went though and hope to go 1 more time before the baby is born.

August 08, 2008

First Field Trip

Today we had our first field trip of the year. Some families from my homeschool group got together and we went to Raccoon Mountain Caverns. The kids seemed to enjoy. Even though both girls thought and kinda acted like they were scared, I really don't think they were. They even got to see a red salamander. Miriam might have even learned something. They got to "pan" for gems after the tour. Here are a few pics of our adventure.

August 07, 2008

P.T. Duty

Potty Training is still going well. It has been 3 days now and I consider Lily potty trained with some work still needed to be done. She didn't have an accident the first 2 days, but yesterday she had a couple. We were on the go all afternoon though so I think she was just a little distracted. I am giving her candy as a reward and sometimes she will go sit on the potty and try to go but nothing will come. She will look at me with a pitiful face and so " Pee pee and poo poo won't come". I really don't like giving her this much candy, but it seems to be working and it is only one piece at a time. I'm hoping today goes better than yesterday, but I do have to make a trip to Debi's so I don't know how Lily will handle that. We are also going to Columbia to visit family on Friday and that is a longer drive. I know we'll make at least one stop then.
It has been over 5 weeks since I saw Debi. I know everything is going okay, but it is nice to be told that. I am almost 27 weeks now and I will start seeing Debi a little more often now. It is kinda scary how quickly time is going and how soon this baby will be here. Each pregnancy just goes by more quickly. I have been told several times that it looks like a boy so we will see. I'll be happy either way!

August 05, 2008

Potty Training Take 2

Okay, so we are trying again to potty train Lily. She is actually doing much better this time. Yesterday she wore underwear all day without an accident and no accidents so far today. I am doing things a little different this time. For one, I'm very serious about it. Last time I kinda hoped she would train herself without too much involvement from me. Now I am trying to be very vigilant. I do not want a take 3. Second, I clearly outline and remind her of the rewards she will get (candy each time she goes and a trip to Chuck E. Cheese when complete). I even have the candy on the back of the toilet. I also clearly outlined the punishment for peeing on my floor. I know some wouldn't approve of punishing an accident and I will not punish a true accident, but I will if she pees on the floor just to do it. I really think this made a big different this time. She has to understand that it is not acceptable to me to have to clean the floor all day. So as I said, it is going really well and I hope it sticks this time. I really don't want 2 kids in diapers. I am going to try cloth diapering again with this baby though. Hopefully I will stick to it longer than with Lily. I want to cloth diaper more for the environment than because of the money. Our family has put too many diapers out there as it is.

August 01, 2008

100 days

So I'm a couple of days late on this, but I now am down into the double digits of days left till baby is here. In reality this baby will not come in 98 days, but at that time it will definitely be imminent. This pregnancy is going by so fast. I really don't dwell too much on actually being pregnant except when the baby is kicking. I'm just kinda wondering when I'm going to go into that "this baby is coming soon" mode. We don't know if it's a boy or girl so I'm not out buying clothes. I'm not stocking up on diapers, wipes, or anything else. I am worried about selling the house and getting a new one and sometimes I actually think about having to go through labor again, but I'm not really preparing for our new little one. I'm hoping that in October I will feel the need to get everything ready.
On another note, we started homeschooling this week. Miriam's workbooks came in and so far she is very excited. I always wonder how long it will take that excitement to turn into "Do I have to?" I hope it lasts a little while, because Miriam has a bit more work to do this year and we will be more structured. It won't be quite as relaxed and eclectic as kindergarten was. I have no doubt she can do everything, just don't want to fight her on it.