July 28, 2008

Don't Push!!

I normally don't post twice in a day, but I was privileged enough to attend another birth yesterday. It was really amazing and surprisingly easy (for me anyway). I got woke up at 7am and told my client was in labor. I got a call back at 8am and then finally at 9am asking me to come. My friend Christina attended this birth with me for her childbirth educator certification. We both got there about 9:30am. My client was definitely in labor, but we didn't know how long it would take since her last labor was 36 hours. I really thought I was in for the long haul. Shortly after we got there things got more intense and she was doubting herself. These are signs that her labor was pretty far along, but a lot of my clients reach this point at 5 cm, so I still thought we had a while to go. I suggested a bath after a while and once she got in the water, she was better able to handle her labor and got herself back in control. Shortly, she starts telling me she is feeling pressure. Her husband starts wanting to call the midwife, but my client never said we needed to. After a few more contractions she tells me she feels like she might need to push. So I talk to her to see if this is really it. I finally decide that she is in fact wanting to push and we call the midwife to tell them we are on the way. Her husband is gathering things quickly and Christina and I are getting her dressed. She is definitely starting to push at this point, so we are start going faster. I tell hubby to call back and tell them we're coming and she's already pushing. We rush to the car and I ride with my client while Christina follows. Keep in mind, this is happening just 2 hours after I got there. During the ride I'm telling my client to breathe out and not to push and she has her hand down there like it will stop the baby from coming. She was worried that she really wasn't that far and that we wouldn't make it before the baby was born at the same time. We passed 2 cops who luckily didn't notice us. I knew she was close, but at no time did I feel panicky or that we wouldn't make it. We got to the hospital and pulled up and 5 nurses run out with a stretcher. They put my client on it and pulled her underwear off and her water broke. They rush inside and get her in a room. She is pushing, but they are asking her not to since the midwife is not there yet, then they decide to let her go ahead. The midwife walks in when the head is halfway out and doesn't have time to put a gown on or anything. Another push or two and the baby was out. All this in the 2 and 1/2 hours I was with her. This is the first time I have been with someone who waited this long to go to the hospital and I truly didn't think she was that close until she said she was pushing. In my opinion, it worked out great. She didn't have to be tethered to machines for hours or lay in bed or have an IV, etc. She labored totally at home and got to the hospital just in time for them to catch the baby. It was really exciting too. Rarely do I attend a birth where I get a good night's sleep before, stay with the client for so short a time, and was home with my family that afternoon. So it was really a good birth for me and the client went natural which she was unable to do the first time. Have I ever said I love my job??

Trip to Knoxville

I've been rather lazy in posting this since we got back last Wed. Our trip was good although the girls could have been better for me. On Monday, we went to the zoo and then had dinner with Jeremy and some other conference people. The hotel we stayed in was downtown right next to the World's Fair Park. So on Tuesday we walked around there. We went up in the sunsphere, went to the art museum (which happened to be free that day), and stopped by the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (my favorite part). Later we changed into our swimsuits and went to the fountain in the park to play. That night the conference had a big buffet meal, music, craft booths, and fireworks in the park. Me and the girls did not pay to go, but we went down there and they let us in. It was really neat. As it was getting dark, our girls were playing in the grass with some other kids and this man walks up and asked whose kids were these? Jeremy and I are thinking "what did they do?" The man then said he owned the 6th floor of the sunsphere and would we like to watch the fireworks from there? So we went up with him and another family. You have not seen fireworks until they are exploding right in front of your face. It was really awesome and I told Miriam to remember this because it was a once in a lifetime experience. That was probably the highlight of our trip and I didn't even have my camera with me. On wed., we packed to leave and took the kids to the Discovery Center on our way out of town. It was a pretty good trip. I wish Jeremy could have been with us more, but I wasn't going to pass up a free hotel stay. Here are a few pictures at the zoo, sunsphere, and fountain.

July 19, 2008

Penny Pooper

Well, I feel like a few things have been completed this week. Our house finally being for sale was one. We still need to do a little work to it, but it is very minimal. I ordered the rest of Miriam's school books. I should get those soon and we can begin the year. I have already made my lesson plan for the first week. I am still deciding what activities for her to do. Probably a music class and a sport. Now our trip to Knoxville is finally tomorrow. I am looking forward to this mini vacation. I love to stay in a hotel and not have to worry. We are going to the zoo and will be staying close to the sunsphere and the park there. I will post pictures when we get back.
Lily has us on poop alert. She swallowed a penny yesterday and we are having to dig through her poop to see if it came out. I just hope it is soon. This is similar to the time Miriam put a bean up her nose at 10pm and we had to go the the ER. I have mellowed out some and we are not rushing to the Dr, but waiting to see. Why do children do stuff like this??

July 15, 2008

Alone in cyberworld?

I was beginning to think I was alone out here. I had written several posts with no comments so thanks to those who wished me a happy birthday. Of course, I truly believe that most of the time my life is pretty boring so what is there to comment on? There are things that are much worse than just being boring. When I started this blog I thought I might get philosophical all the time and have some deep posts. I really don't have time to sit here and think about things with my kids so I tend to write the mundane. So here is more of the mundane.
We finally have our house on the market. This has been a long time coming so it is quite a relief. Now onto finding us a new house. We have looked some and I have not been very happy with what is out there. I really feel the time slipping away. I am having this baby in our new home! My pregnancy is still going well. This little one is pretty active and my body still feels pretty good. I can't believe November is so close. I am getting ready to start homeschooling. August 1st will be our first day. I can't believe Miriam is a 1st grader. It is not really sad for me to see my kids grow up, it is just shocking. It's like- when did that happen, didn't we just start kindergarten? This week we have a gospel meeting at church so we will be on the go every evening. Next week, Jeremy has a conference in Knoxville. The girls and I are tagging along as tourist. I am looking forward to this mini vacation. I also have a client due in the next couple of weeks. I just hope she waits until I get back. So that is my life today. Maybe you'll find something in there interesting.

July 10, 2008


Lily has had a head cold or sinuses since late last week. I finally came down with it on Tues. I can usually get by without getting sick, but didn't do it this time. I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant too, but I've just been really tired with this cold. I'm usually able to keep going as normal, but I've been doing a few things in the morning and then after lunch I'm ready for a nap. I've been going to bed early too. I can't keep doing that because Jeremy is just not used to taking care of the girls at bedtime. One night Miriam came to bed with her regular clothes on and fell asleep. Last night, Lily didn't want to come to bed so Jeremy left her up by herself. Why he thought it was okay to leave a 2 year old up by herself, I'll never know. I finally woke up at 11:30 and realized Lily wasn't there. I woke him up and told him to go get her. She had fallen asleep in the chair. I asked if she got into anything ans he said she had someone's old yogurt cup. Little did he know, it was not an old yogurt, but was the chocolate yogurt she has been trying to get her hands on for days. She helped herself last night! I woke up this morning to her peeing on the bed (Jeremy didn't change her diaper before bed) and chocolate yogurt all over her mouth. So tonight I will make sure the girls are taken care of before bed!
On a completely different note, today is my birthday. I really don't like birthdays anymore. Getting older doesn't bother me, but the expectation of having a special day does. At the same time, I want a party and I really don't want anything. Jeremy told me not to cook, but I'd rather just eat at home and finish painting the living room. It is just a normal day. I still have to get groceries, I still have to clean around the house, etc. The girls will still fight and not obey. Plus, like I said, I'm sick. Happy birthday to me!

July 07, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was filled with family & friends and home improvement. We had a few people over for a cookout on Friday. The bad thing was that I woke up in a bad mood and didn't feel like entertaining. I hope no one noticed. We watched the Lake Winnie fireworks that night. The girls seemed to enjoy that. Saturday was spent working on the house. Our bedroom is now painted and the door finished in. that was our last big job around the house, but we still have little things to do. We went to a wedding reception Saturday night for someone Jeremy works with. The girls made some friends and enjoyed themselves. On Sunday we went to worship and finished up the bedroom. Then we went to a friends house for dinner and playing on a water slide. So we were very busy. We also got a free dinner on Saturday and Sunday that I was not expecting so I will have 2 extra meals this week.
Speaking of a free meal. We went to Longhorn after worship on Sunday. I was wanting a good steak. They sat us in the bar and the bartender was taking care of us. She was very busy though and I don't know what else happened in the kitchen. We finally got our food 1 hour after we got there. The girls hardly ate because they were full from snacking. Longhorn is not cheap either and I was very unhappy with the whole experience especially since I had really wanted to go there and then was disappointed. I wanted to talk to a manager, but decided to wait until we were leaving. When everyone knew what I was doing, they went on out, thinking I was going to make a scene. I very quietly and politely told the manager how disappointed I was and what the problems were and that I just wanted him to know. I really didn't do this to get anything, but typically they give you a free dessert or something. Well, he offered to pay for our meal the next time we came in. So now we have a free meal at Longhorn one day.