January 05, 2008


This morning I saw a segment on the Today Show about being addicted to Chapstick. The anchor readily admitted that she was addicted. I'm not alone! This is something I have readily admitted about myself for years. It certainly feels like an addiction when your lips are dry and you keep licking and the only thing that can make you feel better is chapstick. It is 10 times worse if you have lost your chapstick or your children have gotten ahold of it and it's the middle of the night! During the segment, she asked if this addiction was bad and the dermatologist said no since your lips do need that extra moisture.
So my question is, are there good addictions? Chapstick is certainly not my only addiction. I don't do drugs, drink, or smoke, but I do need a caffeinated drink each day. I also usually crave something sweet each day. I'm sure there are other things I can't think of right now. Why can't I be addicted to exercise or healthy foods??
In reality, I believe that no addiction is good. An addiction is an extreme need that you can't live without. I really don't like wanting a Dr. Pepper each day or the headache I might get if I don't have one. I truly believe the motto "Everything in moderation". Having a coke is fine. Drinking it all day, every day- not okay. So, maybe I should try to limit my use of chapstick. I'll try to resist and ignore my dry lips. Maybe I can try a substitute or combine my addictions. I think I'll buy some Dr. Pepper or Chocolate flavored chapstick. But then I'll lick my lips and need more... chapstick.

1 comment:

Abbey Road said...

Hey Amy! I am glad I found your blog! I was just going to say that I am addicted to Chapstick too. I think there are more people than you think that are. Good luck with using less chapstick! I hope you and your family had a nice holiday and lets get together soon!
