January 01, 2008

Happy New Years

We had a wonderful New Years Eve. This is when we celebrate the holidays and the girls get their gifts from us. A friend of ours and her grandson stopped by for an unexpected visit which was very nice. We threw streamers and popped confetti. We wore our party hats and got out the noise makers. Then the girls ripped into their presents. Lily pretty much opened them, pulled the stuff out and went on to the next. I'm not sure if she actually "saw" what she got until later. I think they were both very pleased. We then toasted to the New Year at about 9pm and were all in bed asleep by 10pm. Every year we take a picture in front of our "Happy New Year" sign. These are always special photos to me.
I thought about making New Year's resolutions, but I couldn't think of anything I really wanted to change. Sure I would like to lose a few pounds, move to a bigger house, and have another child, but I don't think any of these would make me happier than I am now. I want those things, but I am so blessed as it is. When I was thinking about this, I decided that I would make an effort to be more content and happy with the things I have. I guess that is a resolution of sorts. I really look forward to this year and what it will bring!

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