January 21, 2008

Birth On My Mind

This is my first post about birth. It is heavily on my mind this week, because I have 3 clients due and it looks like all three may have their babies this week. So I am starting to mentally prepare for supporting these women. I've been doing some reading and some surfing on the internet. I thought I would include some of the sites I found that I loved. Maybe you will like them too.
First is a blog http://wonderfullymadebelliesandbabies.blogspot.com/. She has some great info and videos. The videos from 1-19-08 were so beautiful and I cried as I watched the first one.
This blog led me to another. It is the blog of the midwife who made the videos I loved. It has tons of birth stories which is great for a birth junkie like me. They are older, but who cares! http://navelgazingbirthstories.blogspot.com/
http://babymonkeymomma.blogspot.com/ This one seems pretty interesting also.
Well, I just got a call that one of my clients is in labor. Early labor, but labor none the less. Hopefully, in the next couple of days, I will be posting about the wonderful natural birth I attended.

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