January 12, 2008

Bored & Waiting

Do you ever feel like you are just waiting. Not for anything in particular- just waiting for anything. I feel that way today. There are actually things I am waiting for. I have a couple of clients due very soon so I could get a phone call at any moment. So right now I am waiting. I even have a hard time sleeping at night because I am listening for that phone to ring. So I am very bored with this waiting game.
I'm also just plain bored. Not that there is absolutely nothing to do. There is always something to pick up around here. But, I cleaned house pretty good this week, since my mom was coming. I am caught up on laundry and dishes. Bills are all paid, checkbook is balanced, and groceries have been gotten. In other words, all my chores are done. Plus, my mom is here so my girls are entertained. I went and got the mail and it was all junk. Nothing to even sort through. I don't have the money to go shopping or to the movies or do anything exciting. So I'm writing in my blog. And now I'm done. And I'm bored.

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