January 08, 2008

The Money Pit and Molly, Molly, Molly

Our house is fast becoming a money pit. We are slowing fixing things around here so that someone will buy it soon. We put a new roof on last spring, but many more things need to be done. Right now, half of the front of my house is painted, I have a plywood window in my bedroom, and my living room is a mess due to us painting. The painting actually started as fixing the wallpaper and quickly changed. So we are having to pull the wall paper down, scrape off the old paint under it, plaster in the rough spots, sand, prime, and then paint. It is a long process even (or especially) with all 4 of us helping. On top of our home improvement, our sewer pipes have decided that this is a good time to give us trouble. Despite my husbands best efforts (and he is really good at this stuff), we are having to call someone in to fix it. This will probably involve digging up our front yard, replacing the pipe, and lots and lots of money we don't have. At least the sewer will no longer back up into my tub when I do laundry!
Miriam got her American Girl doll on Friday. If you can't guess, her name is Molly. All Miriam wants to talk about is Molly. She wants to watch her Molly movie every day. We are reading the book she came with. Of course, Molly goes everywhere with us. As I write this, Miriam is leaning on me and whining to put a picture in Molly's locket. Molly is starting to annoy me, but she makes Miriam very happy. Lily is picking up the Molly fever also. Lily actually cried when the movie ended last time. She said "Molly gone, gone!" and I had to comfort her.

1 comment:

Ladawna said...

Hey Amy its Dawn just wanted to see how things are i miss yall so much anyways if u ever want to talk or anything my email is ladawnamachele@yahoo.com