February 01, 2008

Aunt Flo and Other Visitors

My mom and my nephew came down on Wed to spend a few days with us. My girls love them so much and always enjoy being with them. It also gives me some relief and I'm able to get some things done. Then, Wed night, I get a phone call from my dad asking if he can come down for a few days for his job. I say something about mom being here and he didn't even know she was here. I thought that was funny. So my dad came down Thurs and is staying until Sun. Mom and AJ are going back today. I'm really close with my parents so I never mind them being here. My house is really cramped (we just have 2 bedrooms), but we always manage. When their house sells, they are moving to Chattanooga. I am so looking forward to that!!!!
Speaking of visitors, Aunt Flo showed up today. We've been trying to get pregnant since last July and nothing is happening. At first, I was real disappointed each month, but today I was almost relieved. I have decided 2 things- 1) I will get pg again, just not maybe on my time line. I'm sure that God has plans for me right now and having another baby is not one of them. I have no doubt that we will be able to have another one and I'll just trust God and be happy when it does happen. 2) Since I have been busy with my doula work, it has satisfied my desire for another child. Being around birth and babies helps me so much. I have 4 birth clients and one postpartum right now and that will keep me busy through July. Plus, when you see a woman going through labor, it makes you remember what it was like, so maybe I'll wait to go through that again!

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