August 12, 2008

Country Girls

This weekend my parents and all of us went to Columbia to visit our family. They stayed with my mom's mom and we stayed with my dad's parents on their farm. My dad was raised on a pretty big farm- had to feed and milk the cows before school and everything. We didn't have access to internet and it is just so peaceful to be out int he country. the girls would wake up early and eat breakfast real quick (which my grandmother cooked for us). Then they would have to get dressed and go help my peepaw feed the cows or something. We sat out on the porch and watch the hummingbirds fight over the feeders. They were able to go outside without me worrying if they were okay. They also explored the farm some on Sunday when my cousin was out there. These girls could really be country girls! I could get used to it to if there was somewhere around here that was "country", but didn't take 45 minutes to get into town.
We got to see my brother too, which we don't get to do often. My girls, especially Lily, really love Uncle Adam. We really enjoyed seeing everyone since it has been about 3 months since we've been up there. Mom and I stopped by a friend of our's baby shower in Nashville on the way home. It was nice to see them again too. We had a very tiring weekend and I still feel behind. I'm glad we went though and hope to go 1 more time before the baby is born.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uncle Adam was thrilled to see his favorite nieces too! Even though I am just on the periphery of their lives it makes me happy to know that the girls look forward to seeing me. Hopefully we will all see each other again soon.