August 07, 2008

P.T. Duty

Potty Training is still going well. It has been 3 days now and I consider Lily potty trained with some work still needed to be done. She didn't have an accident the first 2 days, but yesterday she had a couple. We were on the go all afternoon though so I think she was just a little distracted. I am giving her candy as a reward and sometimes she will go sit on the potty and try to go but nothing will come. She will look at me with a pitiful face and so " Pee pee and poo poo won't come". I really don't like giving her this much candy, but it seems to be working and it is only one piece at a time. I'm hoping today goes better than yesterday, but I do have to make a trip to Debi's so I don't know how Lily will handle that. We are also going to Columbia to visit family on Friday and that is a longer drive. I know we'll make at least one stop then.
It has been over 5 weeks since I saw Debi. I know everything is going okay, but it is nice to be told that. I am almost 27 weeks now and I will start seeing Debi a little more often now. It is kinda scary how quickly time is going and how soon this baby will be here. Each pregnancy just goes by more quickly. I have been told several times that it looks like a boy so we will see. I'll be happy either way!

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