August 01, 2008

100 days

So I'm a couple of days late on this, but I now am down into the double digits of days left till baby is here. In reality this baby will not come in 98 days, but at that time it will definitely be imminent. This pregnancy is going by so fast. I really don't dwell too much on actually being pregnant except when the baby is kicking. I'm just kinda wondering when I'm going to go into that "this baby is coming soon" mode. We don't know if it's a boy or girl so I'm not out buying clothes. I'm not stocking up on diapers, wipes, or anything else. I am worried about selling the house and getting a new one and sometimes I actually think about having to go through labor again, but I'm not really preparing for our new little one. I'm hoping that in October I will feel the need to get everything ready.
On another note, we started homeschooling this week. Miriam's workbooks came in and so far she is very excited. I always wonder how long it will take that excitement to turn into "Do I have to?" I hope it lasts a little while, because Miriam has a bit more work to do this year and we will be more structured. It won't be quite as relaxed and eclectic as kindergarten was. I have no doubt she can do everything, just don't want to fight her on it.

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