April 21, 2009

Home, Sweet Home

Well, we have finally found it. We made an offer last night and it was accepted today. We offered them quite a bit less so we are extremely happy that they accepted. It is a little far out, but close to I 27. Here is a link to the MLS http://www.mlsarealistings.com/(yekbuongjnyi0o45wddakw55)/propertyDetails.aspx?mls=1119795 . The pics really do not do it justice. Plus we will have 2.5 acres which is great. We close May 15th. It is great to know that we will soon be settled into our home.


Abbey Road said...

I am glad that you guys found a home! I tried the link but it didn't work, maybe you could try posting it again because I would like to see it!

By the way, thanks for dinner the other night. Everything was great!

Nekey said...

Glad you found a place.. I tried your link too but it didn't work for me either. Congrats!