November 03, 2008

More of the same

I know I'm not posting much. I have slowed down my life so I'm really not doing too much. I really think a lot about when I am going to meet this baby. I don't want to post, because that is all it will be about. We had a good weekend, but time seems to be moving slow. Today, I started a bible study with a couple of women from church. One woman's 15 & 16 yr old daughters watched the kids and we got to have a study in peace. We are studying from a book called "She Hath Done What She Could". Basically it goes through all the scripture about what a Christian woman can and should do- help sick, bereaved, poor, teach, being a mom & wife, etc. I really enjoyed today and hate that I will have to miss a couple of weeks.
As for the baby, I have started some herbs to encourage the baby to come sooner. They are not pleasant to take and until this week, I really didn't think I would take anything. The baby is just so happy and comfy in there. He/she is very active right now. I'm feeling okay too. Night time is the worst. My hips are starting to get very sore and hurting. I also have woken up in the middle of the night the past few days and can't go back to sleep. I know this is all typical of the end of pregnancy. I just don't want to do that too much longer. Any prayers said on my and the babies behalf would be appreciated.


jeannie said...

I was thinking about you, came here to see how everything was.

If you need anything let me know...

Abbey Road said...

I hope everything goes well, we are praying for you and the baby.

Elisabeth said...

Prayers said!