October 24, 2008

What was I doing?

The past few days have been so busy. I have had so many things to do and so little time. Add that to my pregnancy brain, which has gotten pretty bad lately, and I feel out of sorts a lot. I saw Debi on Monday and everything is going very well. The reality is that I am 38 weeks and full term and the baby could come at anytime. I really don't expect the baby until after Nov. 7, but ya never know. Jeremy is actually out of town today taking his professional engineering exam. When I went into labor with Josiah, guess where he was?? Taking his engineering intern exam. Wouldn't it be such a coincidence if I went into labor today?? And why does he keep choosing to take these tests so close to my due dates???
Yesterday was crazy too. I did not stop moving all day. I cleaned the house in the morning and homeschooled. Someone was coming to look at the house. Then went to eat lunch, go to Target, and get groceries. I got home just in time to unload before the people were due to come to look. Then I took advantage of that hour and voted early. I wanted to make sure that I got that done before the baby came! Then home to cook dinner and eat real fast. Jeremy left to go to Franklin for his test and me and the girls left because we had tickets to Disney on Ice. The kids really enjoyed the show. We went last year, but Lily was scared everytime a bad guy came out. This show was a little more toned down and Lily is older so she really enjoyed it. It was great to see her clap along and smile and laugh. I even got out with no out of pocket money last night. I told the kids we were getting nothing before hand and I found free parking that was fairly close.
Back to my pg brain. I have been really forgetful and distracted lately. I will get to thinking about the baby or the birth and my brain can't seem to handle anything else. My driving is suffering is the worse thing. I have had several close calls so if you see me on the road, stay back. I left the house without my grocery list yesterday and had to come back and get it. There are many other little examples. I just am not very forgetful normally. If I see you out and forget your name, now you know why!


Nekey said...

We are going to Disney on Ice on Sunday. I am glad to here that it was good. It will be J's first time. ;-)

jeannie said...

It is getting so close.
I am so excited for you, I cant wait to see what it is.
Do you have names picked out?