October 04, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is my parent's 34th anniversary. I am so glad that my parent's have stuck it out through thick and thin to stay together. I don't think we always think of how our actions affect the distant future. I am glad also for my children that their grandparent's are still married. My husband's parents divorced when he was young, so they have dealt with that. Also my brother and Jeremy's brother are both divorced. I know my parent's have gone through rough times. I am so glad that they stayed together and hope they realize the far reaching affects of this. I hope they realize how important their marriage is to so many people. So today, we are celebrating. I have made a cake and have them a card. I'm also slipping in some money so they can go on a date. Since they are raising my nephew, it has been far too long since they have had a date.
Mom & dad- I wish you many more years of marriage. Hopefully most of them happy and fulfilling ones. Thanks!


Abbey Road said...

That's so sweet of you! It's nice to hear about people getting married and staying married. I have heard a lot of inspirational stories here lately of couples staying together after all kinds of hard times, and God really blessing their marriage for it. Anyway, Congrats to your parents for 34 years!!

Nekey said...

Congrats to your parents for 34 years! Marriage can be hard and it always nice to hear of couples who stick with it. It is an inspiration for the rest of us.