October 20, 2008

Cupcakes anyone?

Can you tell what kind of cupcakes these are?? Well, one night I told the girl's we were having cupcakes for dinner. They were so excited, especially when I put their plate in front of them. Then they took a bite and Miriam knew they had been tricked. This is actually meatloaf and the "frosting" is mashed potatoes. I got the idea from a Rachel Ray magazine. You could even make them look better, but I didn't care to. Miriam ate hers and Lily, true to form, licked the icing off.


Nekey said...

I LOVE it!! I wonder if my picky eaters could be fooled. ;-)

Abbey Road said...

Thats a cute idea. ;)

jeannie said...

Oh, that is an good idea. I wonder what other foods could be done? ummm